Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pretty Princess Toes

So our tradition EVERY Sunday is to paint our fingernails and toenails. Well, Zoe's at least...sometimes we don't get to Mom's. Grandma sent us some new foam seperators for our toes. Monkeys and Froggies. Zoe of course had to try out one of each, they were a little big for her little toes, but she didn't care. Cuteness huh?


Nicole said...

can you painy my toenails too! they need it bad

Brett and Heather said...

I wish I was as good as you. My girls beg me to do it...I have to remind myself that if only takes seconds, but means so much. As for my toes, I have about 5 layers...a new one about every other Sunday morning. LOL!!

Garrett, Tashina, Breck, and Addilicious!! said...

You are so good. I wish I could even paint my toes like once a month!!!! Luvs to you and your wonderful babies!!!!!!!!!!