Thursday, August 28, 2008

All Tuckered Out

So we've been trying to ween (is that spelled right???) Zoe off naps because she doesn't go to sleep until after 11:00 p.m. when she gets one. Well, I was working late one night and Zach had just finished getting Zoe some dinner and was working on Brielle's when he walked into the dinning room and saw this! :)


Garrett, Tashina, Breck, and Addilicious!! said...

Oh my gosh I laughed so hard when I saw this. This is hilarious. I wish b would fall asleep at the table, yeah right not in this life time!!!:) She is getting so big!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! I concur! she is so cute!! i miss you guys so much!! HAHA!! oh man...She's so cute!

Jenny B said...

She is taking lessons from Rhett-the king of falling asleep anytime/anywhere!

THE BOWMAN'S said...

She is so silly! I guess if you're tired you need to go to sleep right? We watched all of your movies several times, both the kids wanted to see them again and again. Also, I can't remember Zoe's exact birthday but Kiana told me the other day that she wanted to send her a card because her birthday was getting close. I told her I would ask you when it was. Looks like you guys are having fun and Zoe is a beautiful dancer!