Wednesday, October 22, 2008
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Playing School Soccer
2. Dating
3. In my Junior Year of High School
4. Working at Dairy Queen
5. Hanging out and making trouble with my sisters!
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Clean House
2. Go to Stacies for Play Date
3. Figure out and make something for dinnner
4. Laundry
5. Shower
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. chips and salsa
2. fruit and marshmellow dip
3. candy ( pb m&m's, almond joy, choc covered almonds)
4. strawberries
5. brownies
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off all debt
2. Build Dream House
3. Buy Zach's parents something big
4. Help my mom
5. Go on Huge Vacation with all my sisters and family
5 places I have lived:
1. West Richland, WA
2. Rexburg, ID
3.Spokane/Cheney, WA
4. Burbank, WA
5. Las Vegas, NV
5 jobs I have had:
1. Babysitter
2. Dairy Queen
3. Orthodontic Assist
4. Dental Assist
5. Dental Hygienist
5 people I tag:
1. Tashina
2. Kristine
3. Celeste
4. Sarah V.
5. Stacie
Monday, October 20, 2008
Reading Mr. Beast!!!
One of Zoe's favorite books to read ( well memorize and then read to herself) is Mr. Beast!!! She was reading it for like the third time out loud and thought I would test my sneakiness skills again. It worked, kinda, she caught me about half-way through, but still finished the story. It's just less dramatic now that she knew she had an audience. My favorite parts are when she elongates some of the words and shouts others. FYI: Some of the words are sound effects ie: "Whomp" and "Shuffle, Rumble, Grunt". So good luck understanding some of it, but it's still cute. :) I highly recommend this book to anyone, it's super cute!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Handbag Planet!
A Precious Moment
Gettin' Cozy
New Kicks
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tashina's Mini Me
(Sorry Tashina, but it's true.) My little Brielle LOVES to throw fits like Tashina did when she was little. The famous thing about Tashina's fits is the full body involvement, and here is a classic example of my daughter performing a classic Tashina fit. P.S. The only thing we told her was "no" and get off the table. The following video is of what happened immediately following removal from the table. The good news is, if my girls turn out like Tashina when they grow up, it will be worth it. She is an awesome sister and GREAT Auntie!!! WE love you Sheener!
Our Stubborn Big Girl!
This is a video of Brielle eating ZOE's dinner. We had the EXACT same thing on Brielle's high chair, with a kiddie fork and she wouldn't touch it! Zoe gets down and Brielle hops up there and starts using a big girl fork and trying to stab some ham. When Zach and I try to help her she gets very upset. She is one independent girl that's for sure. Here is a video, we show her eating, and the food left on her high chair, and then me trying to help her and how upset she gets. Nothing too exciting, but I had to laugh. You would think I would understand by now that OBVIOUSLY this plate of food is WAY different than the food on her plate. ( yea...right.) P.S. if you listen closely you can hear Zoe laughing and telling Zach that she just "tooted" on him. ( We raise such proper ladies.)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tan Lines
Ogre in the House!
So Zoe wanted Zach to play "Scary in the Temple" with her one day and I managed to catch the tail end of it on video. The just of the game is Daddy roars real loud while Zoe is in the "temple" and she pretends to be scared or to talk trash back to him. I was downstairs doing the dishes and Zach decided to put a little spin on it this time. He was an OGRE, and they were both saying some REALLY funny things. Unfortunatly I only got the tail end of it, and when they all figured out that they were being filmed they got shy. ( I tried to be sneaky, but it didn't work.) So here is a small taste of our weird games we make up and play in our house!
Brielle Turns ONE!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
A to Z fun!!! Courtesy of Danni :)
A Little Fun From A to Z
A = ADVOCATE FOR: Helping Out Family
B = BEST FEATURE: Ummm, depends on who you ask..I'll say my legs. Zach would say..... :)
C = COULDN'T DO WITHOUT: Zach, Zoe, Brielle, electricity and indoor plumbing
D = DREAMS AND DESIRES: Be an Awesome Mom, Get Zach through Medical School and have our house be the "holdiay" house.
E= ESSENTIAL ITEM: Bra (sorry I hope that isn't inappropriate, but its the truth)
G= GOOD AT: Giving Injections!!!!, not a bad cook either.
H = HAVE NEVER TRIED: sushi or skydiving
I = IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS: Pay off all our debt, build a house, go on an awesome vacation and then give some to family.
J = JUNKIE FOR: cheesecake and Ice Cream
K = KINDRED SPIRIT: All my Sisters!!! I miss you guys!
L = LITTLE KNOWN FACT: I have a Spanish Tutor
M = MEMORABLE MOMENT: Sept. 6, 2003...and basically all of BYU-I experience!
N = NEVER AGAIN WILL I: Try having a baby without an epidural!!!
Q = QUOTE: "Captain, Iceburg Ahead!!"---------Sid the Sloth
R = REASON TO SMILE: Zach, Zoe,Brielle, ALL Family, We're all basically healthy
S = SORRY ABOUT: Many things...
T = TAG SOME FRIENDS: Tashina, Nachelle, Celeste, Stacie, Kristine
U = UNINTERESTED IN: People who never outgrown High School.
V = VERY SCARED OF: Spiders and Freak Accidents
W = WORST HABIT: wishing for the next thing to happen and not enjoying the moment I'm in
X = X MARKS MY IDEAL VACATION SPOT: Anywhere right now, We miss home and would LOVE to go there...but if we're really dreaming Zach really wants to go to England, I would like to see Italy.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
All Tuckered Out
So we've been trying to ween (is that spelled right???) Zoe off naps because she doesn't go to sleep until after 11:00 p.m. when she gets one. Well, I was working late one night and Zach had just finished getting Zoe some dinner and was working on Brielle's when he walked into the dinning room and saw this! :)
All Dressed Up!!
Dance Recital...Getting Ready!!!
Zoe's Solo
This is Zoe's "mini" solo. All the kids got a chance to run out and do something during their jazz piece. Unfortunately right as Zoe runs out there a lady stands up right in front of you don't get to see much. But it's still cute, she runs around in some circles and wears sunglasses!
Big Dance Recital Cont'd
Here is the Ballet piece that they did for her recital. Zoe is in the very front with her back turned to us. If you need another reference,she is also the one who is last to run to her place on the wall. My favorite part in the very beginning where they are tapping their foot on the ground...and when they jump around you might be able to hear Zoe say "Criss Cross Applesauce" because that is how they learned to jump...and she used it in the recital too! How cute is she???
Big Dance Recital Cont'd
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Just like Sister...
Zoe started making yelling and growling noises, and guess who joined in and started copying her big sis? We were in the middle of dinner and this started happening. I was laughing, so of course I had to take a video to share with you, because everyone knows I can't retell a story and still have it be funny. :) So I hope this makes you laugh!!
Hooray for Swimming!!!!
Thanks Grammie!!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's Raining it Pouring...
We had our first BIG thunderstorm in Las Vegas today. That is the one cool thing about Vegas...when it rains you are almost guaranteed thunder and lightening. Lots of parents are probably aghast that I let my children play outside when it's raining...but my own mom will be proud. :) We had SOOO much fun playing in the rain when we were little....and as you can see, my own girls LOVE it too!!! *(If you listen closely you can hear the thunder over the rain. It is actually really loud, but I think the rain hitting our metal porch sorta drowned it out.) Here are a couple videos, and then an after pic. As you can see we didn't start out with coats, but Zoe and Brielle were having so much fun and wanted to stay outside longer I had to eventually get them even though it was like 90 degree outside while it was raining.
Zoe dances Britney
As most of you know, Zoe LOVES to's a little demo for ya. Pardon the screeching at the computer wigged out.)
Typical Sunday for Zoe
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Zoe sings her version of "I Love to See the Temple"
Once again Zoe is singing for all to enjoy. She is singing I love to see the Temple and below you'll see the translated version...and then the real version. This video is actually toned down. At one point when she was supposed to say "For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty, I'll prepare myself while I am young..." She used to say: For the temple is where I dance with boys and dance and dance..." So enjoy her "toned down version!
Zoe Lyrics:
I love to see the temple I'm going there someday, To spear the holy spirit to listen and to pray. For the temple is a house of god...mumbled words..I'll prepare myself while I am young. This is my secret beauty.
Real Lyrics:
I love to see the temple I'm going there someday. To feel the Holy Spirit to listen and to pray. For the temple is a house of God a place of love and beauty, I'll prepare myself while I am young. This is my sacred duty.
4th of July!!!
Dancin' Queen!!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Peek-a-Boo Brielle
Brielle LOVES to play peek-a-boo. Usually we hear grunting from the living room and we walk in an find her with a blanket or shirt over her face waiting for us to play with her. Here is a short example...
Varsity Material!!!!
This is a short video of Zoe dribbling the soccer ball. She likes to do this "move" where she stopsdribbling, runs a circle around the ball and then goes again...or she just leaves the ball there. Whatever she feels like at the time! Below are some pics of just playing at the park. ( Shed a little tear of proudness Aunties!!!!)